
Traditional Chinese Medicine helps to relieve symptoms and signs of many health problems. It can also uncover the underlying root cause(s) of those symptoms. The goal of this dynamic and integrated health care system is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of the body. It can also strengthen and support the body to prevent future illness and disease. Acupuncture is safe, natural, d... Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine helps to relieve symptoms and signs of many health problems. It can also uncover the underlying root cause(s) of those symptoms.
The goal of this dynamic and integrated health care system is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of the body. It can also strengthen and support the body to prevent future illness and disease.
Acupuncture is safe, natural, drug-free and effective. The perfect way to get well and stay healthy.

The stresses of daily life affect the quality and flow of Qi. Different stresses affect meridians and organs in different ways, disrupting or blocking Qi flow. If a garden hose is blocked, it cannot provide an adequate supply of water to a plant. Eventually, the plant will be unable to thrive, grow and blossom. Likewise, a blockage in the meridians will restrict the supply of Qi required to nourish and support the cells, tissues, muscles, organs and glands. This blockage can manifest into various signs and symptoms. Over time, the body as a whole becomes weakened, and its self-healing abilities compromised. Eventually, it becomes susceptible to pain, disease and ill health. My focus is to support you as my patient in your own wellness goals. Accomplishing this by giving the guidance and tools so that you can have optimal health through nutrition, natural supplements, herbology, acupuncture and cupping. The body wants to heal itself! It just requires the proper support and that is where it is my passion to create, educate and support you in your individual needs.

The stresses of daily life affect the quality and flow of Qi. Different stresses affect meridians... Read More

Oh hi there! Lovely to meet you.

I’m Aanelle, a Doctor of Acupuncture, practicing in both Red Deer and Stettler. On an average day, I provide support and treatment for quite a wide range of conditions.

Variety is the spice of life, and an acupuncturist’s life can be very spicy!

That being said, I do have a particular interest in supporting women’s health and fertility, as well providing care throughout transitional stages such as menopause. I am a dedicated practitioner, fueled by a desire to help women take charge of their own well being and gynecological health. I also have a vested interest in working alongside complex gynecological conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis.

The primary goal in my work is simple- I want my clients to feel good in their own bodies. Whether it’s digestive concerns, immune support, pain conditions, mental health concerns, or just not feeling quite right- there is a way to address it.

Along with acupuncture, Aanelle offers cupping, auricular therapy, electroacupuncture, and gua sha to address a wide range of conditions. She adapts her treatment approach to address each patient’s unique presentation of pain, stress & mental health concerns, digestive troubles, or women’s health and fertility.

Oh hi there! Lovely to meet you. I’m Aanelle, a Doctor of Acupuncture, practicing in both Red De... Read More

Hi! I’m Kristina, a registered Acupuncturist and Doctor Traditional Chinese Medicine.

I successfully completed the 4-year TCMD program at the Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Calgary, with a 3 week internship at the Beijing International Training School. Prior to finding my path in Chinese Medicine, I worked as an Advanced Care Paramedic in Calgary for 13 years.

I have a strong passion for treating women’s health, fertility and postpartum care and have pursued additional training in these fields. Helping other women is an empowering experience. I work hard to build trust and rapport with my patients so that they feel comfortable sharing their struggles with me.

I also like to treat a variety of other conditions, from aches and pains, to mental & emotional health, digestive issues and sleep disorders. I have seen first-hand the power Chinese Medicine has to help heal these areas of my patients lives and want to continue to help others.

When not in the clinic, you can find me with a good book, or outside, camping, hiking or biking.

Hi! I’m Kristina, a registered Acupuncturist and Doctor Traditional Chinese Medicine. I successf... Read More

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